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6 fencers are awarded the foil grade 1 certificate.

Next Assessment Due: Thu 4th July 2024

Fencers may take part in Foil Grade 2 certification at a cost of £5.00 per participant. Each fencer who meets the criteria will be awarded with a British Fencing Association badge and certificate. (Badges are intended to be sewn onto personally owned clothing and not club borrowed kit.)


To pass Grade 2

While following your partner’s steps forward & backward:

1. Maintain fencing line.

2. Maintain correct distances for hitting with (i) riposte, (ii) lunge, (iii) step forward lunge.

3. Maintain lunging distance and make a direct attack with a lunge each time your partner pauses.


Then, from a stationary position:
4. Guards of septime and octave.

5. Engagements in sixte, quarte, septime, octave plus (i) changes of engagements and (ii) pressures.

6. Disengage attack with a lunge on partner’s pressure from (i) engagement in sixte, (ii) engagement in quarte.

7. Circular parry of (i) sixte with direct riposte, (ii) quarte with direct riposte.


Confidently describe:

1. Courteous and respectful behaviour and fencers’ “Pledge of Honour” (cf. t.84).

2. Parts of the foil.

3. Dimensions of the piste.

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Please tick at least one box to confirm who would like to participate in the certification.